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A multi-omics analysis toolkit

Get Started»
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Samples subpopulation

Subgroup your samples based on a your gene panel. Discriminate by biological pathway or a signalling genes to have a deeper answer to you questions .

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Biological interpretation

Discover our implementation for MOFA factors exploration and comprehension

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Statistics and tests

Explore the statistical approach available in BiomiX and find the most suitable for you .

Single omics analysis just a click away

High customizable pipelines for transcriptomics, metabolomics and methylomics data and a wide choise of parameters for a perfect personalized analysis.
Feel free to do your research focussing on the biology, we will take care of the analysis.

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Multi-omics data integration for every user

Data integration requires code skills? Not here.
Here MOFA integration is made available for everyone with a simple interface and parameter choise. Explore deeper you data with our worry-free solution.