Tutorial 1 Introduction
The first part includes a description of the BiomiX tool and details about the bioinformatics pipeline used in the analysis.
The first part includes a description of the BiomiX tool and details about the bioinformatics pipeline used in the analysis.
This second section of the video shows an example of BiomiX analysis using transcriptomic data. This section explores the metadata format, sample selection, advance options and results visualization.
The third section of the video shows how to modify the data frame to the .tsv format required in BiomiX using the assisted format converter. Examples of metabolomics analysis using annotated and not annotated data are shown.
This last section will explore the MOFA integration and the implementation added within BiomiX, including the automatic research of the best number of factors and the interpretation of the significant MOFA factors. It will explore the interpretation by abstract match research, pathway analysis of the top contributors and clinical correlation analysis with the factors.