Installation and Usage

Linux OS

  1. Download Biomix here: and decompress it. Installation in the Desktop directory is strongly recommended.
    Bash terminal commands
    unzip -q
  2. BiomiX uses conda to install the R and Python package dependencies. Install minicconda 23.5.0 conda from the website: here or type on the bash
    For other Linux versions look here
  3. Follow the instructions, selecting conda init = yes. Close and reopen the bash terminal.
  4. Move to folder _INSTALL within BiomiX2.4 folder using: cd ./path_to_folder and run the script within the _INSTALL folder. Wait until the end of the installation.
  5. Move to BiomiX2.4 folder using: cd ./path_to_folder and run the script within the BiomiX2.4 folder to start your BiomiX analysis.
  6. Enjoy BiomiX!

Windows OS

  1. Download Biomix and decompress it. Installation in the home directory is strongly recommended.
    Windows terminal commands
    Unzip the file. 
  2. BiomiX uses conda to install the R and Python package dependencies. Install miniconda 23.5.0 from the website: Here
  3. Follow the installation instructions
  4. Double-click in the BiomiX_INSTALL_WINDOWS.bat script within the _INSTALL folder and wait until the end of the installation.
  5. Double-click on the Biomix_exe.bat script within the BiomiX2.4 folder to open BiomiX and start your analysis.
  6. Enjoy BiomiX!

Mac-OS "Beta-version"

  1. Download Biomix here: and decompress it (by application e.g. Winzip or terminal cmd). Installation in the home directory is strongly recommended.
    MAC OS terminal commands
    Unzip the file
  2. BiomiX uses conda to install the R and Python package dependencies. Install conda 23.5.0 from the website MacOSX-arm64 MacOSX-x86_64
  3. Follow the installation instructions
  4. Installation CMake on the Mac OS device CMake installation instructions
  5. Open the terminal and run the following lines
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL #Installation brew
    conda create -n BiomiX-env python=3.9 -y #Create BiomiX environment
    conda activate BiomiX-env #Activation conda environment
    conda config --add channels conda-forge #Add forge channel to conda repositories
    conda install -c conda-forge r-base=4.4.1 -y #Installation R
    conda install conda-forge::glib=2.82.1 -y #Installation glib
    brew install libgit2 #installation litgit2
    python3 /your/path/to/BiomiX2.4/_INSTALL/ #Start the automatic installation.
  7. Move to folder _INSTALL within BiomiX2.4 folder using: cd ./path_to_folder and run the script within the _INSTALL folder. Wait until the end of the installation.
  8. ./
  9. Move to BiomiX2.4 folder using: cd ./path_to_folder and run the script within the BiomiX2.4 folder to start your BiomiX analysis.
  10. ./  
  11. Enjoy BiomiX!
  12. Important notes: The MacOS beta version is less stable than linux and windows version because of the differences among MacOS M1/M2 and Intel versions. Please help us to report any bug to improve the MacOS installation here: GitHub issues BiomiX or by mail to BiomiX is actively implemented, so we answer quickly :)


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'package name'

It happens during the conda installation "step 2" because the Python installed on your computer doesn't have it. This can be fixed by typing in the terminal: pip install 'package name'

Error in library ("Package"): No package named "Package"

BiomiX uses Conda plus R packages from the github repositories to ensure a close virtual environment to avoid error because of package updated. Unfortunately some package in LinuX or MACOS installation can fail because of external libraries to install in the terminal. To solve this error is possible to open the R environment within the conda BiomiX-environment

Open the MAC-OS/Windows/Linux terminal and insert these commands
conda activate BiomiX-env #Activates the conda environment
R (Linux-MacOS) or R.exe (windows) #it opens the R environment
install.packages("Package") #Function to attempt the package installation 
library("Package") #Loading the installed package

If the install.packages or the library functions drive errors. The missing package or library will be displayed in the error message. As R packages rely on other R packages to work, it is important to detect the dependency failing the installation to solve it.

Error output example
Error in library ("tidyverse"): No package named "tidyverse"
Action: Open the R Conda BiomiX environment as previously mentioned

Output.: Error: dependency 'ragg' is not available for package tidyverse'
Output:  Error: dependency 'systemfonts' is not available for package ragg'

Output: Configuration failed to find the fontconfig freetype2 library. Try installing:
deb: libfontconfig1-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
rpm: fontconfig-devel (Fedora, EPEL)
csw: fontconfig_dev (Solaris)
brew: freetype (OSX)
If fontconfig freetype2 is already installed, check that 'pkg-config' is in your
PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains a fontconfig freetype2.pc file. If pkg-config
is unavailable you can set INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR manually via:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=... LIB_DIR=...'
-------------------------- [ERROR MESSAGE] ---------------------------
:1:10: fatal error: fontconfig/fontconfig.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Solution:  brew install freetype (MacOS), sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)