
Linux OS

  1. Download Biomix from the GitHub page: and decompress it. The installation in the home directory is suggested. From bash type
    tar -xvzf Biomix2.2.tar.gz
  2. BiomiX uses conda to install the R and Python package dependencies. Install conda from the website: or type on the bash
  3. Follow the instructions, selecting conda init = yes. Close and reopen the bash terminal.
  4. Create your BiomiX environment (BiomiX-env) in conda typing on the bash
    conda create -n BiomiX-env python=3.9 r-base=4.2.0 r-essentials
  5. Activate your BiomiX environment
    conda activate BiomiX-env
  6. Run the BiomiX_INSTALL Python script
    python3 path/to/BiomiX2.2/_INSTALL/
  7. Enjoy BiomiX!

Windows OS

  1. Download Biomix from the GitHub page and decompress it (by application e.g. Winzip or terminal cmd). The installation in the home directory is suggested. If using the Windows terminal type
    wget linktothelatestBiomiXversion
    tar -xvzf Biomix2.2.tar.gz
  2. BiomiX uses conda to install the R and Python package dependencies. Install conda from the website
  3. Follow the installation instructions
  4. Open the search in the Windows taskbar for the application "Anaconda powershell prompt"
  5. Create your BiomiX environment (BiomiX-env) in conda typing on the conda PowerShell
    conda create -n BiomiX-env python=3.9
  6. Activate your BiomiX environment
    conda activate BiomiX-env
  7. Install the R and igraph package.
    conda install -c conda-forge r-base=4.1.3
    conda install -c conda-forge r-igraph
  8. Run the BiomiX_INSTALL Python script by clicking on it or typing in the conda PowerShell
    python path/to/BiomiX2.2/_INSTALL/
  9. Enjoy BiomiX!


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'package name'

It happens during the conda installation "step 2" because the Python installed on your computer doesn't have it. This can be fixed by typing in the terminal: pip install 'package name'